Operated by John-Riley Harper. Dedicated to archiving photography from Utah's underground scenes, as well as other personal projects.

Sequence Seven
I guess it's only human to love the trivialities of number worship. I really can't get over the fact that I love the extra oomph that underlies a party that occurs on July seventh, 2007. There won't be another 07-07-07 for one hundred years, minus a day, and so this is the only one I'll ever see. And that makes it all the more poignant. However, on this day, the rather dull 07-08-2007, I have a deadening wine headache, so I'll leave you with a simple batch of photos from the party, Sequence Seven.

Other people's pictures (OPP, yea you know...):

.nicole, Yenn, psychoanalyst, ambeestar, kenny.

These photos are off-site so if they go down it's not my fault. Today they may be cheap reflections of yesterday but soon enough they will be inaccesable nostalgia. Lemme know if I've missed anybody's.

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