Operated by John-Riley Harper. Dedicated to archiving photography from Utah's underground scenes, as well as other personal projects.

Rainbow Gathering '03 in the High Uintas
I really think it would be a great idea for someone to do the arranged-marriage-princess-falls-in love-with-awesome-guy-but-has-to-marry-terrible-one story in reverse. Like, what if the guy that she is arranged to marry is really this amazing person that is completely in love with her, but she would rather be with some asshole that doesn't care about her at all and just wants sex, instead of the inept love-struck groom who the whole audience can find something in common with. It would be a little more realistic, because nobody wants what is good for them, and everyone knows that story. It's just never been done.

I was at the rainbow gathering in the High Uintas last weekend, and although I was having too much fun to take many photos, I got a few in, and so here they are.

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