Operated by John-Riley Harper. Dedicated to archiving photography from Utah's underground scenes, as well as other personal projects.

- = Cyberfest =- San Fransisco Parties
School is killing this website, so blame it for all the current inactivity. I did manage to find a break and run off to San Fransisco to see the greatest act and hear the greatest music in the world, Infected Mushrooms. In my excitement however, all my pictures of them turned out really blurry and awful. So it was a failed expedition. I'm glad to get my camera in that place though, it took a LOT of talking to security guards and many researches. They are paranoid or something. Below are the pictures from cyberfest. I've been involved in a lot of audio projects, and I'm working to get an audio section up on here. Stay tuned. Soon to be the complete multi-media playground, Zoob's Dubilicious Groove!

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