Operated by John-Riley Harper. Dedicated to archiving photography from Utah's underground scenes, as well as other personal projects.

Queer Prom
I had an amazing weekend. I actually took so many pictures that I'm sick of taking them. So, I melted my camera down into a cool set of legos and traded that to a disillusioned Iraqi physisist for a particle reactor. I am trying to contain the reactor coils at the moment. The portrayal of Homer Simpson's job as being a piece of cake is a total crock, this stuff is hard and my hand keeps going numb. Oh, but, since everybody that I know missed it, I can say nyaa nyaa nyaa and announce that the Queer Prom rocked. It was the funnest party that I've been to in a while. Check check check it out. Oh, and as for the renegade scientist, well, you wouldn't believe some of the stuff that he's come up with.

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